Call for papers

Transport Research Arena (TRA) is a flagship event initiated by the European Commission and various technological platforms. Previous locations of the TRA conference include Gothenburg in 2006, Ljubljana in 2008, Brussels in 2010, Athens in 2012, Paris in 2014, Warsaw in 2016, Vienna in 2018, Helsinki in 2020, Lisbon in 2022, and Dublin in 2024. After these several successful meetings the 11th conference of Transport Research Arena will arrive to Budapest in 2026.

The conference will cover relevant areas of transportation research with specific focus on User Centered Mobility, Green Mobility and Decarbonization, Planning and Operation, Transport Digitalization. The aim of the conference is to connect academics with practitioners, bring together leading experts, and provide opportunities to promising young researchers. The conference will be accompanied by interesting demonstrations, innovative exhibitions, technical tours, and social events.

Useful information

TRA is not only a conference but a platform that celebrates talented young researchers by recognizing their innovative contributions to transportation research. Submissions for the TRA Visions awards are invited in the following categories: Road, Rail, Air, Waterborne and Cross-modal (Logistics & Passenger transport).

TRA Visions features four award categories:

  • a young researcher competition, where the application is fully integrated with the general submission process, as supplementary materials (research summary, presentation, letters of recommendation) can be uploaded together with the conference papers,
  • a senior researcher competition, acknowledging achievements and excellence in European research projects in the above categories,
  • a special honorary award, recognizing a respected person in the transport sector for a noteworthy and widely acknowledged contribution to research and innovation,
  • a Host Award, presented for the best paper aligned with the main conference theme, “Re-Generation in Transport”.

Submission guidelines

In the first round, abstracts of maximum 200 words are invited to be submitted by 15th June 2025 through the online submission system accessible via the conference website. The submissions will be reviewed by members of the local program committee.

In the second round, conference papers of maximum 4000 words are invited to be submitted by 15th September 2025 through the online submission system. The papers will be reviewed by independent experts and by members of the local program committee. Details about the required format of the paper (templates) and the submission process can be found here:

Paper structure

The conference papers should describe the research goals, the previous literature, the elaborated methods, the achieved results, and a proper discussion of the outcomes in order to allow the scientific committee to assess the quality of the submissions. Only original contributions are considered for presentation at the conference.


Maximum one presentation is allowed per person attending the conference. This means that an author can be a co-author of multiple papers but is not allowed to present more than one paper.

Journal publication

The accepted conference papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Mobility by Springer. Selected papers of excellent quality will be proposed by the guest editors to be invited for special issues of prestigious journals, such as European Transport Research Review.

Important dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: 15th June 2025
  • Conference paper submission deadline: 15th September 2025
  • Conference paper notification of acceptance: 31st January 2026
  • Final conference paper submission deadline: 31st March 2026